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Compendium Catechism of the Catholic Church
Authors Various

Language: English | Category: Spiritual | Audio Book: Not Available

Pope Benedict XVI gives the Church the “food” that it seeks in the 598 questions and answers comprising the official summary of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Because of the book’s format, parents, pastors, teachers, principals, and catechists have a unique opportunity to dialogue with the faithful, and reinvigorate the Church’s ongoing mission of evangelization and catechesis.

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  • is an initiative supported by the Midwest Theological Forum (MTF) that springs from experiences of people that share a passion for reading and that take interest in known, from a catholic perspective, the content of books that have caught their attention.

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There are 12 ebooks by this Author
Authors Various - Teatro breve del Siglo de Oro - Language: Spanish, Theater Play - Format: ePub
Las loas y entremeses, piezas teatrales de corta duración que solían acompañar con frecuencia a comedias y autos sacramentales, son dos de las formas de teatro breve más cultivadas por los grandes dramaturgos del Siglo de Oro. De (More) simples introducciones al espectáculo y entretenimiento entre los diversos actos de las comedias, pasaron a ser verdaderas obras maestras de la mano de autores como Lope de Rueda, Agustín de Rojas, Alonso de Castillo Solórzano, Hurtado de Mendoza, Calderón de la Barca y, por supuesto, Miguel de Cervantes, cuyos entremeses son considerados una de las cimas del género. Ignacio Arellano, uno de los máximos especialistas en literatura del Siglo de Oro, propone en este libro una cuidada selección de estas formas de teatro breve que ayudará al lector a comprender su génesis y evolución. Todo ello, además, se presenta revestido con una introducción, actividades finales y un sólido aparato de notas.
Authors Various - Bajo dos banderas - Language: Spanish, Short Stories - Format: ePub
Doce escritores españoles se han unido en Bajo dos banderas, el primer libro de Zenda. La obra, patrocinada por Iberdrola, muestra doce relatos de España en la Guerra de la Independencia de los Estados Unidos, firmados por Juan (More) Eslava Galán, Espido Freire, Agustín Fernández Mallo, Susana Fortes, Luz Gabás, Juan Gómez-Jurado, Emilio Lara, Cristina López Barrio, José María Merino, Arturo Pérez-Reverte, Clara Sánchez y Lorenzo Silva. Arturo Pérez-Reverte: «La ayuda española a la independencia norteamericana es uno de los grandes, épicos y olvidados episodios de nuestra historia que debemos recuperar y dar a conocer. Los relatos que este libro contiene ayudarán a que eso sea posible». Este libro acompaña en Nueva Orleans, Washington DC y Miami a la exposición «Memorias Recobradas: España, Nueva Orleans, y la ayuda a la Revolución Norteamericana», que conmemora el tercer centenario de Nueva Orleans y que hasta el 8 de julio puede visitarse en la ciudad del estado de Luisiana. La cubierta del libro es un fragmento de La marcha de Gálvez, pintura de Augusto Ferrer-Dalmau que se expone en dicha muestra. Bajo dos banderas, obra ideada y dirigida por Arturo Pérez-Reverte y coordinada por Leandro Pérez, incluye una cronología de hitos de la Independencia de los Estados Unidos de América, a cargo de Juan Eslava Galán. Y además cuenta con un prólogo de Ignacio Galán, presidente de Iberdrola, donde asegura: «Las historias de los eminentes escritores que acompañarán al lector durante este recorrido nos invitan a recordar el rol fundamental de España en episodios clave y, sin embargo, poco conocidos. Son textos que abordan nuestro ayer con miradas diferentes procedentes de las dos orillas, recordándonos que todos somos memoria». Bajo dos banderas es una edición no venal; es decir, es un libro que no va a estar a la venta en librerías y cuya edición en ebook es gratuita. Además, hemos impreso varios miles ejemplares del libro que distribuiremos en diversas iniciativas junto con Iberdrola. Y hemos publicado en Zenda los doce relatos uno a uno, en artículos independientes, durante el mes de mayo.
Authors Various - Compendium Catechism of the Catholic Church - Language: English, Spiritual - Format: ePub
Pope Benedict XVI gives the Church the "food" that it seeks in the 598 questions and answers comprising the official summary of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Because of the book's format, parents, pastors, teachers, (More) principals, and catechists have a unique opportunity to dialogue with the faithful, and reinvigorate the Church's ongoing mission of evangelization and catechesis.
Authors Various - Catechism of the Catholic Church 2nd Edition - Language: English, Spiritual - Format: ePub
The full, complete exposition of Catholic doctrine, this second edition of the international bestseller has been significantly expanded, enhancing both its content and usability. This updated second edition of the Catechism of the (More) Catholic Church incorporates all the final modifications made in the complete, official Latin text, accompanied by line-by-line explanations of orthodox Catholicism, summaries of each section, a detailed index, extensive cross-references, and helpful footnotes.
Authors Various - New American Bible - Revised Edition - Language: English, Spiritual - Format: ePub
We are proud to release an electronic edition of the New American Bible: Revised Edition (NABRE), which features an excellent formatting true to the paper edition and multiple navigation aids, which allow opening any verse in the (More) Bible in seconds (as explained in detail in the book itself; this feature is not supported by Kindle Fire). Note however that Kindle Fire does not support some of the navigation aids. All material, including footnotes, is preserved and crossreferenced within the text. This is the one electronic Bible that every believer must have because it is more convenient and faster to use than the paper edition. The NABRE accomplishes three major goals in Biblical scholarship: First, a more accurate translation aided by modern archeological and historical discoveries; second, a more consistent rendering of the Greek and Hebrew to more closely express the meaning of the original text; and third, revisions in the NABRE reflect changes in modern English usage of particular words. ============= NEW TESTAMENT Nihil Obstat: Stephen J. Hartdegen, O.F.M., L.S.S. Censor Deputatus Imprimatur: +James A. Hickey, S.T.D., J.C.D. Archbishop of Washington, August 27, 1986 OLD TESTAMENT Rescript In accord with canon 825 §1 of the Code of Canon Law, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops approved for publication The New American Bible, Revised Old Testament, a translation of the Sacred Scriptures authorized by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Inc. The translation was approved by the Administrative Committee of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops in November 2008 and September 2010. It is permitted by the undersigned for private use and study. Given in the city of Washington, the District of Columbia, on the Feast of Saint Jerome, Priest and Doctor of the Church, the 30th day of September, in the year of our Lord 2010. Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I., Archbishop of Chicago, President, USCCB
Authors Various - Santos Evangelios (Universidad de Navarra) - Language: Spanish, Spiritual - Format: ePub
Edición digital de la Santos Evangelios a cargo de la Universidad de Navarra. – Introducción a cada Evangelio. – Comentarios a todos los pasajes. – Apéndice con las referencias del antiguo Testamento en el Nuevo, glosario de (More) medidas, pesos y monedas, las fiestas del calendario judío, etc. – Anexo con la relación de autores, documentos y obras citadas en los comentarios. – Para encontrar rápidamente cualquier pasaje dispone de un Índice Rápido, un Índice General y enlaces a los capítulos de cada libro. – Mapas a todo color. – Este ebook contiene más de 2.000 enlaces internos para facilitar la navegación.
Authors Various - Homenaje a Tolkien, 19 relatos fantásticos - Language: Spanish, Short Stories - Format: ePub
En el alud de literatura fantástica post-tolkieniana, destacan algunos autores que escribieron el tipo de relatos que habrían agradado al mismo Tolkien. Escritores como Andre Norton, la reina de las novelas de aventuras (More) fantásticas, Robert Silverberg, un narrador lleno de energía, o Peter Beagle, cuya deuda con Tolkien es evidente en su obra de no ficción y en sus esplendidas pero escasas —demasiado escasas— novelas. A ellos, y a cada uno de los otros magníficos autores que figuran en este libro (Terry Pratchett, Harry Turtledove, Dennis L. McKiernan, etc.), se les pidió que escribieran un relato en homenaje a Tolkien. Un regalo para celebrar el centenario de su nacimiento, que también deleitará a los muchos lectores de El señor de los anillos.
Authors Various - I tragici greci: Eschilo, Sofocle, Euripide - Language: Italian, Complete Works of - Format: ePub
Altissima espressione poetica, nonché specchio degli sviluppi politici della polis ateniese nell’epoca classica, la tragedia greca è giunta fino a noi attraverso i secoli mantenendo inalterato il fascino archetipico che ne (More) costituisce l’impronta originaria. Nella rielaborazione drammatica del mito rivivono le convinzioni del singolo poeta ma anche l’eco delle discussioni e della vita civile e morale di un popolo. Così i personaggi di Eschilo non sono più semplici mortali in balia di forze cieche e oscure, ma uomini e donne coscienti e responsabili delle proprie scelte, vittime e colpevoli insieme (basti pensare a Clitennestra), spesso stupendamente delineati nella loro profondità emotiva. Sofocle rispecchia nelle sue opere l’ideale di sereno equilibrio che permeava la cultura greca in quegli anni. Eppure, nelle sue tragedie la lucida consapevolezza dell’infelicità umana, unita al sentimento della dignità insita in ogni sofferenza, e l’analisi razionale coesistono con la percezione di pulsioni insondabili cui soggiace il destino degli uomini (si pensi a Antigone o Elettra o Èdipo). Profondo conoscitore dell’animo umano, Euripide ha creato indimenticabili figure tragiche, da Alcesti a Medea, a Oreste, scegliendo i suoi argomenti tra i miti meno noti e soffermandosi su aspetti secondari dei grandi cicli epici ed eroici. Le sue opere hanno influenzato attraverso i secoli il teatro di tutti i tempi: da quello romano a quello rinascimentale e barocco, dai romantici a D’Annunzio, fino ai giorni nostri. ESCHILO • I Persiani • I Sette a Tebe • Le supplici • Prometeo incatenato • Agamennone • Le Coefore • Le Eumenidi Traduzioni di Enzo Mandruzzato, Leone Traverso, Manara Valgimigli SOFOCLE • Antigone • Aiace • Èdipo re • Elettra • Filottete • Le Trachinie • Èdipo a Colono • I segugi Cura e traduzione di Filippo Maria Pontani EURIPIDE • Alcesti • Medea • Ippolito • Gli Eraclidi • Ecuba • Andromaca • Le supplici • Eracle • Le troiane • Elettra • Elena • Ifigenia Taurica • Ione • Le fenicie • Oreste • Ifigenia in Aulide • Le Baccanti • Reso • Il Ciclope Edizioni integrali Eschilo nacque a Eleusi nel 525 o 524 a.C. da una famiglia benestante. Oltre che tragediografo fu attore e musicista. Partecipò alle guerre persiane e soggiornò più volte in Sicilia dove, alla corte di Ierone di Siracusa, entrò in contatto con i circoli pitagorici. Si tramandano i titoli di 73 opere a lui attribuite, ma di queste solo sette tragedie sono giunte fino a noi. Euripide nacque a Salamina nel 480 a.C.. La maggior parte delle notizie che ci sono giunte su di lui proviene dalle parodie dei commediografi e non sono perciò molto attendibili. Sappiamo che da ragazzo fu torciere all'ara d'Apollo, che ebbe tre figli, e che morì a Pella nel 406. Non sappiamo con certezza quante opere abbia scritto. Ci restano comunque 17 tragedie certamente sue, una, Reso, considerata spuria, e il dramma satiresco Il Ciclope. Sofocle nacque ad Atene, nel demo urbano di Colono, nel 497 a.C.. Di famiglia molto ricca, ricevette un’educazione raffinata. Fu grande amico di Pericle e partecipò alla vita pubblica ateniese con cariche importanti. Morì vecchissimo, nel 406 a.C.. Delle circa 130 tragedie che scrisse ne rimangono soltanto sette, oltre a 400 versi del dramma satiresco I segugi.
Authors Various - The New Testament - Language: English, Spiritual - Format: ePub
The New Testament, as usually received in the Christian Churches, is made up of twenty-seven different books attributed to eight different authors, six of whom are numbered among the Apostles (Matthew, John, Paul, James, Peter, (More) Jude) and two among their immediate disciples (Mark, Luke). The New Testament was not written all at once. The books that compose it appeared one after another in the space of fifty years, i.e. in the second half of the first century. Written in different and distant countries and addressed to particular Churches, they took some time to spread throughout the whole of Christendom, and a much longer time to become accepted. The present edition is a new translation of Latin Vulgate using the Douay-Rheims as a guide. Catholic Public Domain Version, Original Edition. Ronald L. Conte Jr., translator and editor.
Authors Various - Masters of the Short Story, Volume II - Language: English, Short Stories - Format: ePub
Boasting a rich variety of genres, this literary collection offers 22 of the greatest short stories ever written, featuring literature’s finest authors, contextual images and insightful introductions. Contents THE LEGEND OF (More) SLEEPY HOLLOW by Washington Irving THE MONKEY’S PAW by W W Jacobs THE BLUE CROSS by G. K. Chesterton A TRAGEDY OF ERROR by Henry James AN OCCURENCE AT OWL CREEK BRIDGE by Ambrose Bierce IMMENSEE by Theodor Storm THE COP AND THE ANTHEM by O. Henry THE ADVENTURE OF THE SPECKLED BAND by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle THE MAN WHO WOULD BE KING by Rudyard Kipling THE QUEEN OF SPADES by Alexander Pushkin PUBLIC LIFE OF MR. TULRUMBLE — ONCE MAYOR OF MUDFOG by Charles Dickens THE HOUSE OF COBWEBS by George Gissing LOTTA SCHMIDT by Anthony Trollope YOUNG GOODMAN BROWN by Nathaniel Hawthorne RAIN by W. Somerset Maugham THE UNKNOWN MASTERPIECE by Honoré de Balzac THE WIND BLOWS by Katherine Mansfield THE FLY by Katherine Mansfield THE CALL OF CTHULHU by H. P. Lovecraft THE OPEN BOAT by Stephen Crane THE SON’S VETO by Thomas Hardy THE DEAD by James Joyce
Authors Various - Masters of the Short Story, Volume I - Language: English, Short Stories - Format: ePub
This is a collection of 22 of the finest short stories every written, with contributions from authors such as Charles Dickens, Henry James and Anton Chekhov, to name but a few. Contents HORATIO SPARKINS by Charles Dickens DAISY (More) MILLER by Henry James THE COUNTRY OF THE BLIND by H.G. Wells MISERY by Anton Chekhov THE SQUIRE’S STORY by Elizabeth Gaskell THE FALSE GEMS by Guy de Maupassant THE GREEN DOOR by O. Henry MASTER AND MAN by Leo Tolstoy BLUEBEARD’S GHOST by W.M. Thackeray THE HAPPY PRINCE by Oscar Wilde THE SUPERSTITIOUS MAN’S STORY by Thomas Hardy THE PRUSSIAN OFFICER by D.H. Lawrence THE GOLD-BUG by Edgar Allan Poe ARABY by James Joyce AMY FOSTER by Joseph Conrad THE HONEST THIEF by Fyodor Dostoyevsky TO BUILD A FIRE by Jack London THE MAN THAT CORRUPTED HADLEYBURG by Mark Twain A SOCIETY by Virginia Woolf METAMORPHOSIS by Franz Kafka IVAN MATVEYITCH by Anton Chekhov BABYLON REVISITED by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Authors Various - La Bibbia (trad. C.E.I.) - Language: Italian, Spiritual - Format: ePub, iSilo
La Bibbia (biblìa, plurale di biblìon, significante libri) è il libro sacro della religione cristiana e di quella ebraica. È detta anche Parola di Dio o Sacre Scritture, per sottolineare l’ispirazione divina sotto la quale i (More) cristiani e gli ebrei sostengono sia stata scritta. Con Bibbia CEI (titolo ufficiale La sacra Bibbia) si intende la traduzione italiana cattolica ufficiale della Bibbia ad opera della CEI (Conferenza Episcopale Italiana).